- They can be contacted on email at info@childsafety.co.uk;
- They are available on phone at +44 (0) 1582 493382;
- Alternately, an enquiry can be left on their website at https://www.childsafety.co.uk/contact-us/
Local Authorities
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Local Authorities
Kid Rapt is the approved supplier of KiddieRail to local authorities and accident prevention projects,
due to their proven understanding, professionalism and expertise within the child safety sector.

Kid Rapt
Kid Rapt are a unique organisation. They exist to serve projects who look to reduce accidental injuries/deaths domestically. They do not retail to end users directly.
The Safety Standard for safety gates BS EN 1930: 2011 states clearly that they are recommended (and therefore designed) to protect children up to the age of 24 months (as opposed to two years old which could include a child at 35 months!).
Children over the age of 24 months have developed cognitive reasoning (and often before) so may attempt to climb the gate, or will copy the parent and learn to open it. At this point the safety gate is of no safety benefit and introduces some hazards to the growing child.
Teaching your child from the earliest age how to climb stairs in a safe manner is important. Using a handrail offers stability to a child and adult handrails are usually too wide for little hands, and too high to be used safely by the child.
KiddieRail, therefore, seems to fill this obvious gap in stair safety for children over the age of 24 months.“
– Carol Ainge, Kid Rapt Managing Director

If you fit the description for suppliers mentioned above, please get in touch with Kid Rapt directly: